Executive Director’s Letter – August 2010
2010 Member Survey results ranks meetings and papers at the top of Smart Card Alliance membership value
As the summer draws to a close, and so ends the brief respite from the frenetic pace of our busy careers, now is a good opportunity to assess what we accomplished in the last year and recommit ourselves to improve the things we could have done better.
The results from the 2010 Smart Card Alliance Annual Member Survey have been tabulated and analyzed. Our members responded in great numbers, with 47.3% of all member organizations participating. One question we ask is for members to give us a score on a 100 point scale that indicates satisfaction with the Alliance, with a score of 80 or higher meaning “clearly satisfied.” Our average satisfaction rating for 2009/2010 was 85.2. In addition 89.1% of the survey respondents gave the Alliance a score of 80 or higher, which is the highest percentage of clearly satisfied members that we have ever had. The Board of Directors , the staff and I consider this figure to be the best measure of whether the Smart Card Alliance is fulfilling its mission in the eyes of our supporters and the overall smart card industry. Read more…