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Alliance Activities : LEAP : CSCIP/G Body of Knowledge

CSCIP/G Body of Knowledge Smart Card Fundamentals Basic smart card components, structure, functions IC types (memory, protected memory, microcontroller, RF) Card design and card body Formats (card, USB token, SIM, embedded, other) Communications interfaces (contact, contactless, dual interface) Memory size and types Operating systems (native, Java, Multos, other) Smart card system design features Manufacturing process…

About Smart Cards : Industry Technical Contributions : OPACITY

Industry Technical Contributions: OPACITY OPACITY is the Open Protocol for Access Control, Identification, and Ticketing with privacY. OPACITY is designed to allow the removal of usage restrictions on contactless transactions. With OPACITY high performance security and privacy enhancements, the sensitive or privileged information can now be exchanged over the air with assurance. The protocol strictly…

About Smart Cards : Industry Technical Contributions

Industry Technical Contributions The Smart Card Alliance has created a web site area to provide access to industry-submitted technical contributions. By providing access to new technical approaches that are being proposed for standardization, the Alliance hopes to encourage open, public discussion and further technology advances that leverage smart card technology. Organizations must submit a proposal…

Gemalto R&D Project Selected for Pan-European EUREKA Innovation Award

Amsterdam, June 22, 2010–Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, today announced that the MEDEA+ ONOM@TOPIC+ project has been short-listed as one of the three finalists for the EUREKA Innovation award. EUREKA is a pan-European initiative uniting 38 member countries with shared goal to support companies and research institutes in transnational R&D…

Alliance Activities : Councils : Member Recognition : 2010

2010 Council Member Recognition Member-led and member-driven, the Smart Card Alliance industry councils have made significant contributions to the smart card industry – publishing education and outreach material for different markets, responding to issues in the media, and developing industry positions on key government initiatives. This work could only be accomplished through the tremendous commitment…

Alliance Activities : LEAP : CSCIP/Government Training Modules

CSCIP/G Training Modules The Smart Card Alliance has developed eight training modules covering the body of knowledge for CSCIP/G applicants to use to prepare for the CSCIP/G certification exam. Seven modules are common with the CSCIP certification, with one focused module on the U.S. governments FIPS 201 and identity management initiatives. These educational modules prepare…